Singing Guide: Sam Smith & Labrinth

Singing Guide: Sam Smith & Labrinth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Sam Smith & Labrinth

Sam Smith and Labrinth have both made waves in the music industry with their soulful, emotional voices. If you're a fan of their unique sound and are looking to learn how to sing like them, there are a few techniques and tips that you can use to get started.

Analyze Your Voice

Before you begin to mimic Sam Smith and Labrinth's singing style, it's important to analyze your own voice. Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine what your vocal range is compared to the two singers. You may have a similar vocal range, or you may need to adjust your singing technique to get closer to their sound.

Breathing Basics

Breathing properly is key to singing with control and power. Take a look at Singing Carrots' guide to breathing basics to make sure you're using your breath in the most effective way possible.

Voice Registers & Vocal Break

Sam Smith and Labrinth both use a mix of head voice and chest voice to create their signature sound. Review Singing Carrots' guide to voice registers and vocal break to understand how to transition between the two and make the most of your range.

Open Mouth & Throat

Opening the mouth and throat is important in creating a warm, resonant sound. Check out Singing Carrots' tips on the importance of opening your mouth and throat while singing.

How to Learn a Song Effectively

Learning a new song can be a daunting task, but Singing Carrots has some great tips on how to learn a song effectively. Take the time to learn the melody and lyrics, and practice breaking the song down into manageable sections.

Avoiding Constrictions

Improper breath support can create constrictions that limit the quality and range of your singing. Singing Carrots has some helpful guidance on avoiding constrictions while singing.

Chest Voice

Developing your chest voice is key to singing with power and resonance. Take a look at Singing Carrots' tips on how to use your chest voice effectively.

Mixed Voice

Sam Smith and Labrinth both use a mix of chest voice and head voice, known as mixed voice, to create their signature sound. Learn more about mixed voice with Singing Carrots' guide to the voice break.

Onsets & Offsets

Mastering onsets and offsets, or the way you begin and end a note, can help you sound more polished and professional. Check out Singing Carrots' guide on glottal onsets and learn how to use these to improve your singing.


Sam Smith and Labrinth both use vibrato to add emotion and character to their singing. Singing Carrots has some useful tips on how to incorporate vibrato into your singing technique.


Accurate articulation is key to clear, understandable singing. Singing Carrots has some great exercises and tips on how to improve your articulation.

Pop/Jazz vs. Classical Singing

Sam Smith and Labrinth are known for their soulful pop/R&B sound. Singing Carrots offers some comparison between pop/jazz and classical singing techniques to help you develop the right style for your preferred sound.

Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting

Sam Smith and Labrinth both use a wide range of vocal techniques in their music. Singing Carrots has some in-depth tutorials on heavy modal, twang, and belting to help you add these techniques to your repertoire.

Vocal Distortion & Growling

Some of Sam Smith and Labrinth's most dynamic moments come with vocal distortion and growling. Singing Carrots has some guidance on how to incorporate these techniques effectively into your singing.

Vocal Health

Taking care of your voice is essential if you want to sing like Sam Smith and Labrinth. Singing Carrots has some tips on ensuring vocal health to help you avoid damaging your voice.

Performing & Overcoming Stage Fright

Once you've developed your singing techniques, it's time to take them to the stage. Singing Carrots has some tips on performing efficiently and overcoming stage fright.

Progress Statistics

Keep track of your singing progress with Singing Carrots' progress statistics, and see how far you've come!

Singing Course

Finally, Singing Carrots' educational singing course offers a comprehensive introduction to singing techniques and styles, and is a great starting point for any aspiring singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.